Sunday, August 16, 2009

sweet melodies

A journal I wrote last March before my 25th birthday


Who are you?

What do you want from me?


You are the quiet knowings, a soft whisper that I can’t ignore


When my feet become settled, my body comfortable in warmth

My heart flutters, unsettled

The ears of my intuition tweak

And I hear you once again


Visions of far away places,

Open fields, colorful cultures

Grand schemes and surpassing love




Darker voices rebel in fear




“what if…”                                    “I can’t…”

                        “I shouldn’t …”


I know better

Some distant part comforts me

In knowing those darker voices aren’t true

… it wouldn’t be that way…


but its all I can think

     more fear

The strength of which suffocates my dreams


… until the next quiet hour

when sweet whispers sing soft melodies

of thick accents and salty ocean air…..                 far away


Someday… my desire will continue to grow

Like fire in the abunance of oxygen

It will roar and with a burning strength I shall step into the unknown


For if it would reverse

Have pitty on me dear friend

For then I will have neglected my heart, my one true love,

Quieted those true voices

Something within me will have died


And I would have allowed it.


Fear is a dangerous enemy.


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