Thursday, March 25, 2010

A poem I wrote about a dear friend, it is based on her at one point in her life, but it is not her. It is for frustrated dreamers. 

She sighs heavy with frustration
too tired to hold the weight of everything she is,
and everything she is not.

Her eyes search desperately for an answer
an answer that cannot be found
an answer that explains the hole she's in
something that will make it all worth it.

She buries herself in her work, filling her already exhausted mind with endless meanings
anything to drown the numbing pain.

She can feel her true self
trying to breathe through the muddled mask
she is stuck between two crushing boulders
one with empty promises of joy today
the other with fulfillment in a better tomorrow..
a tomorrow that may never come.

Easy living is a dream she's buried now
writing rules of hardship and sacrifice
Burning her passion to the ground
she settles for a life that fulfills all but her own heart.

If only, if only that was enough.

But life is all about choices.
No one ever said it was easy,
but all have said it was worth 
every. tear.

This is your life, Dear Dream
don't die by omission.
Please don't let your passion burn out.

I can see the pain in your eyes
I can feel your frustration in every teardrop.

Love your pain, Dear friend..
It is your guidance, your angel
Your pain is your helping hand
pushing you in the right direction.

Shoot for your stars, Dear Jessica
For without them, 
life is unworthy of you.

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